2012. október 8., hétfő

Experience the Power of Something GOOD Always Happening to You!

Paid Daily • Huge Referral Bonuses • Daily Withdrawals

No Recruiting • No Experience • It´s Simple & Fun!

We´re compliant! Profit Clicking operates under US patent no. 6578010.
Pay-it-forward, earn it back! We give you the $10 you need to get started!
Withdrawals, earnings and payments updated to your account daily.
No sponsoring required. Daily Withdrawals. The easy, breezy way to make a buck!
Sponsor someone? Earn between 5-10%
Join with confidence. Profit Clicking is indefinitely sustainable!

 JustBeenPaid! is now ProfitClicking!

The time has arrived to step into the future! For months the rumor mill has whispered about the prepared evolution of JustBeenPaid!. With confidence we are thrilled to officially announce the acquisition of JustBeenPaid! by Profit Clicking.

Due to its extensive member base and unprecedented business model, Profit Clicking has taken advantage of a significant opportunity to use retail products and services to enhance the organization’s core.

The retail division opens a world of possibilities to members, including a brand new traffic exchange system, a pay per click marketing network and a cutting-edge contact management and marketing system.

For you, the switchover is simple and what is more important, your accounts are waiting to make the migration. Your downline, current marketing links, packages and user experience is ready for you to complete the process! Simply click on the link below and log in! More instructions will follow.

We appreciate your continued support, participation and patience while we press forward during this transition process. Please stay tuned for our latest updates.

These exciting changes from an extraordinary man mark the end of an era for JustBeenPaid!, and with that the retirement of Frederick Mann. As we embark on a new journey with Profit Clicking at the helm, we wish everyone many more decades of online success. 


2012. június 30., szombat

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JustBeenpaid! Mission Statement


The mission of JustBeenpaid! is threefold:

1. To provide the means for the "98%" (who typically struggle to earn money online) with the easiest and most reliable ways to earn money online;
2. To provide moneymaking programs that enable participants to improve their money-handling skills;
3. To provide products and services that enable members to transform themselves into "higher-level performers" who become 10-100 times as proficient, effective, and successful in all areas of their lives.


Designer Frederick Mann said:"My greatest achievement is finding a way to make a high-return program indefinitely sustainable. Over the years, there have been thousands of high-return programs. Typically there fate has been that at some point the program owners "run with the money" and the program disappears. Members then lose whatever they had in the program before it disappears. As far as I know, I'm the only one who has solved this problem.

JBP provides extensive training in the form of daily webinars where you can interact with experienced members and get your questions answered.

You currently operate at a certain level of competence. You can study and apply our products -- "Upgrade Your Brain," "The Big Success Breakthrough," and "Killer Success Tricks" -- to raise your level of competence. This will increase your degree of success and enable you to earn more money.

Just take your next step... and Your Success is GUARANTEED!"